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30.11.2015 / архив

Acta Materialia (до 1990: Acta et Metallurgica; С 1990-1995гг.: Acta Metallurgica et Materialia)
2015 V.82 N. V.83 N. V.84 N.
Acta Virologica
2015 V.59 N.3
American Journal of Physiology
2015 V.308 N.1 pt 1, N.1 pt 2, N.2 pt 1, N.2 pt 2, N.3 pt 1, N.3 pt 2
Analytica Chimica Acta
2015 V.854 N.
Applied Thermal Engineering
2015 V.76 N.
Atmospheric Environment-выходил с 1994-2015гг(предыдущее название с 1967-1989гг.см.: Atmospheric Environment ШИФР-U03776. С 1990-1993гг. см.: Atmospheric Environment. Ser. A )
2015 V.100 N.
Bioresource Technology
2015 V.175 N. V.176 N.
Carbohydrate Research
2015 V.401 N. V.402 N.
Chemistry Letters
2015 V.44 N.9
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A. Molecular & Integrative Physiology (until 1990: Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A. Comparative Physiology)
2015 V.179 N. V.180 N.
Computing and Informatics (until 2001 v.20 n.2: Computers and Artificial Intelligence)
2015 V.34 N.2
Ekologia (International Journal for Ecological Problems of the Biosphere)
2015 V.34 N.3
Electrochimica Acta
2015 V.153 N.
Engineering and Mining Journal (EMJ)
2015 V.216 N.3, N.4
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation (until 1994: IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation)
2015 V.22 N.1
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
2015 V.62 N.2
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
2015 V.51 N.1 pt 1
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
2015 V.43 N.1 pt 1, N.1 pt 2
International Journal of Solids and Structures
2015 V.52 N. V.53 N. V.54 N.
Journal of Algebra
2015 V.421 N. V.422 N. V.423 N. V.424 N.
Journal of Approximation Theory
2015 V.189 N.
Journal of Differential Equations
2015 V.258 N.1, N.2, N.3
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
2015 V.140 N.
Journal of Functional Analysis
2015 V.268 N.1, N.2, N.3
Journal of General Plant Pathology (until 2000: Annals of the Phytopathological Society of Japan)
2015 V.81 N.5
Journal of Immunology
2015 V.194 N.1
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences (предыдущее название с 1929-1987гг.: J. of the Japanese Association Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists; с 1988-2000 Vol.95-: J.of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology)
2015 V.110 N.4
Journal of Organic Chemistry
2015 V.80 N.2
Journal of Power Sources
2015 V.273 N. V.274 N. V.277 N. V.278 N.
Journal of Structural Geology
2015 V.71 N.
Materials Science and Engineering.R. Reports (until 1993: Materials Science Reports)
2015 V.88 N.
Mendeleev Communications
2015 V.25 N.5
2015 V.57 N.
Progress in Materials Science
2015 V.67 N.
Solid State Ionics
2015 V.269 N.
Журнал прикладной спектроскопии (г.Минск)
2015 V.82 N.5

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